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Dołączył: 11 Gru 2023 Posty: 1
Wysłany: Pon Gru 11, 2023 05:50 Temat postu: Hence the importance of focusing |
Even if you use your my Target username and password to log in. Step . Choose what we will advertise on VK Open your account and click on “Create ad”. Now you need to choose a target. We will set up advertising for a group on VK, so we will select “Joining the community” as the goal. The only option when choosing the goal “Joining the Community” The only option when choosing the goal “Joining the Community” If you want to get creative and try to engage your audience in a different way, you can try the “Messages to the Community” goal.
In this case, there are already more advertising options: carousel; record with button; universal recording. You can get the largest selection of formats by specifying the “Ad Impressions” goal. Now we will look at those that can lead the user to a social network group and are suitable for a Web Development Services variety of niches. All possible advertising formats All possible advertising formats Catalog. You can promote cards of: goods, cars, services, real estate, flights, hotels - any products allowed for advertising. You can also pull up cards from the mobile application. But in order to associate advertising with the program, you will need to insert a special tracker into it.
The product catalog itself must be added through feed files. Feed files are a database in YML, XML, CSV or TSV formats from which the advertising account pulls up information about products. The process of unloading such databases is long, so we recommend that you familiarize yourself with it in the advertising help . When you unload the goods, you need to create an advertisement. In it you need to do: small text summary up to characters; product cards from to , which can be scrolled horizontally. The cards must include: title; picture with a resolution of button. _________________ Web Development |